oh, grandma,
do you miss us yet?
do you know how much crying has been going on here in south korea?
{crying & moaning at bedtime--AGAIN!}
that firstborn granddaughter...she kind of likes you.
oh, and your firstborn does too.
the baby likes you too, but #1 doesn't have anyone to play with when you're not here.
so sad. and depressing to have to share your mommy. and play with your little sister!
i'll get right on updating the blog...
here's what we did on ub's & grandma's last day...
DR. FISH! :)
i was really impressed that grandma lene went for it!
so sorry that the fish didn't have time for anyone else's feet!!
yes, mine were that scary apparently!

this is pretty much how we all felt...it takes some getting used to!

here's abby...not experiencing the fish.
been there, done that!
she had no interest!
she did ask, "are they {the fish} really all doctors?" :)

abby had her first real manicure & pedicure.
she proceeded to mess the polish up on her hands AND feet. :)
it was also grandma's first time for a pedicure!
she really enjoyed it.
fun afternoon of pampering! our week was really busy, so it was nice to sit down & be pampered for a couple of hours!
Bloggy love,
We sure missed "Grandma" here at work! We haven't seen her yet so I hope she got back ok. By the way, who was doing all the crying and maoning at bedtime? You or the girls? Hope to see you soon back here in the states. MJ
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