Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When it turns cold...

Let's go to explore Seoul.
On a bus trip...
in the rain.

We really do know how to have fun!

We drove over to Yongsan
{the big Army post in Seoul},
so we could park there & take the bus.

Here we are at the carousel...the girlies saw this as the highlight of the day! :)

And the bus...we had to wait in the rain AND wind {with NOT a stitch of proper clothing}.
Grandma & Abby getting warm & learning about Seoul!

Ask her anything...she can give you the scoop on Seoul.

My husband didn't find this touching.
We could have put a lock on here.
With hearts.
And pledged our love at the Seoul Tower.
He's practical.
It made no sense to him...they will cut them off, then what?
But I won't know when they cut them off. I will live in blissful ignorance.
Nope. No lock and no hearts.
I should have made him pose for a picture. What was I thinking?

Another little girl favorite...let's go to the Seoul Tower to get all the fun toys in the plastic balls. Worth the trip!!

The boys sure have a good view from their urinals @ the Seoul Tower!

I really couldn't capture the steep incline.
This is the down view...
{and most the Koreans were able to NOT make comments about my baby being out in the rain. With inappropriate clothing/outerwear}

Looking climb!

After the bus tour was complete,
we headed to find a restaurant in Itaewon.
In the rain. And the cold.
Ugly, ugly day.

And find it we did...
Abby proceeded to polish off almost every bit of calamari!

Mmmm...brick oven pizza!!

Pasta, pizza & calamari, oh my!

Thank you, Lord.
It was such a warm place.
So cozy.
And yummy.
Oh, and we were the only ones there!

Back at the Dragon Hill Lodge...a little carousel video footage.
{It's by Mommy, so you might not want to watch if Blair Witch type footage makes you nauseous!}

Bloggy love,


Anonymous said...

It was cold. It was wet. But it was fun! The food was really good. The restaurant was nice & warm. The forced walk back to the car could have been worse! :)