Two words.
Uncle Joe...okay, it's really Uncle Jeff.
But for some reason,
my girls call him Uncle Joe.
I'm not sure Beks knows his real name any more.
He decided to make a surprise trip to DI this year.
It was so much fun to see him--I think he REALLY surprised GG Jane. :)
To say the least,
my girls adore him.
Smiles after getting special goodies...
Our first shot at the sunset pictures...
After dinner and a little wine...
it was shrimp scampi. With garlic bread. Two ways.
Grandma Lene looks pretty happy the girls are in bed! :)
Super pretty girly.
Love her so much!
Look closely...
it's our hermit crab!
Beks in her new sun visor!
She's working it...
Watch out...
do you think we're going to have another softball player in the family?
The sunset picture on Uncle Joe's last night...
we kind of missed it.
Beks made him work until he left...lots of snuggles & book reading.
His time there wasn't long enough, but it was a great surprise.
We missed hanging out with his girlies, so we'll just have to go & visit them soon!

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