Monday, November 30, 2009

black friday...korean style

I decided to go to the midnight market in Seoul on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
The bus was scheduled to leave at 11pm & bring us home sometime around 6am.
What was I thinking?
I was thinking that it would be a cool experience.
That I might find some good Christmas gifts.
It would be fun to have some me time.
This would be the time to do it...a bus dropping me off right where I need to be.

Well, it was a good plan.
It was cold. Well over half the booths/shops were closed.
I can't buy clothing here. Or shoes.
I'm a big mama by Korean standards! :)

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the trip.
The time out with the girls was great!
Next time, we're going to wait until it's warmer or just go to Dondaemun where they do this crazy all-night shopping, all the time.

As a side note...
I did figure out why Alexis looked familiar.
Turns out, we were in the same squadron at Hurlburt Field, FL.
Good ol' HMXS. Well, it wasn't so good.
But, it was good to realize I wasn't crazy & did know her! :)

The wild all-night party animals...
Kellie, Brooke, Charlotte, Alexis & Christina! I'm pretty sure I haven't ever seen anything like this in Decatur on the way to Kohl's
{insert sarcasm here}
Kellie does look pretty excited about the experience! :)
The animal hat guy...wheeling & dealing for the warm kids' hats that are so popular around here!
Christina, Brooke & Kellie posing in front of the bright lights
Let's get a little BLING for our Christmas!
Hair accessories...gotta love 'em!
Yippee...the warm coffee shop.
They served warm water while we were waiting for our drinks!
We made it...6a.m.
Well, it was an experience!
I couldn't remember the last time I stayed up all night.
But then I did.
The trip to Hawaii.
That, I will blog about when I have more stamina!
Bloggy love,


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. You might be surprised at the sites Sharman & I saw on the way to Decatur! It was actually light outside and it felt so wrong!! The coffee shop looked good. We had breakfast at Bob Evan's. I was good and had oatmeal. :) Then we shared a big cinnamon roll - yum! We were beat after Kohl's & Bergner's. Can't imagine how you felt.

Amanda Evans said...

You are crazy, yes, but if I were still there, I would have definitely gone with you. it is just something to "check-off" the box, ya know? Now you can say you did it. Good times. :-) I want to hear about this Hawaii all-nighter? You are talking about the 10 hour flight, right?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, PARTY animal! Why, next year will seem dull after that! Your Mom, Sharm and I will have a lot to live up to! Can't wait!