Monday, February 7, 2011

mulititudes on mondays

Okay, so I think I'm ready to jump in...reading Ann Voskamp's book.  It truly is amazing.  I have been following her blog for a while now, and what a beautiful writer.  Gifted.

So, I'll add my list to the growing number of people wanting to focus on being thankful.  Giving the thanks to God.  Not just when things are easy, but always.

1. Chocolate kisses to count the days
2. A fourth round...just until she wins
3. Early morning girls crowding in my bed
4. A husband who puts others before himself
5. Furry warm snuggles on the couch from the hairy mongrel

Small beginning, but big intentions!
Bloggy love,


Ryan, Dawn, Calvin & Alayna said...

LOVE the chocolate kisses to count the days! That is so cool!